AIM for success! Develop and integrate reliable personal information for premise of worthy goals and objectives. Define and track projects and tasks to accomplish your goals. Schedule your time by attributes of your projects. Repeat the analysis and integration of information as you monitor progress in projects to make adjustments and refine your goals.
AIM for success! Throw off the dubious methods of whim and guess for goals and purpose in life. MITM Premium provides 3 critical features for success; 1) Information management to insure you have a reliable premise for worthy goals, 2) Project Management to enable plans for accomplishing your goals and objectives, and 3) Time Management to schedule time based upon attributes you assigned to your projects. The information management features enable you to integrate and connect your studies or research by assigning them to topics and subtopics, provision of numerous search methods to make finding important thoughts quickly, and the unique means of bookmarking text that you can link to other text in the same or other documents. These features enable development of cohesive information that progressively becomes more reliable as you analyze and integrate new data along with information from monitoring progress of projects. The project management features enable you to assign documents and bookmarks as the premise for the goals and objectives for each project-- so you only pursue worthy goals! This helps you understand the validity of each project and provides conviction necessary to achieve the your goal and objectives. Each project can have unlimited tasks for each of the objectives necessary to achieve the goal. The time management features enables assignment of a project and task to each appointment to insure that you schedule time according to the attributes you assigned projects-- rather than memory and whim where precious time can be lost! You can also update the project and task notes from the schedule window for maximum proficiency.
Download and use it now: My Information and Time Manager Premium